
  • Commercial Insurance
  • Agriculture Insurance
  • Marine Insurance
  • Construction and Engineering Insurance
  • Guarantees
  • What Trade and Construction Guarantees Insurance offers

    Construction Guarantees

    The construction industry requires a broad range of guarantees, the full complement of which our expert guarantee underwriters cater to, includes:

    • Bid Bonds/Guarantees
    • Performance Guarantees
    • Advanced Payment Guarantees
    • Retention/Defects Liability Guarantees

    Trade Guarantees

    • Commercial Fuel Guarantees to Fuel Majors
    • Retail Fuel Guarantees to Service Stations

    Revenue Authority Guarantees

    • Customs and Excise Bonds
    • Warehouse Bonds
    • Namport Bonds
    • Road Bonds

    Some of the major benefits of the Insurance-backed guarantee are:

    • Provides the employer/supplier comfort against non-performance of contractual obligations and therefore increased costs of completion or non-payment
    • Provides the client with increased cash flow and working capital
    • Protects the client against non-payment of retained funds in the absence of a guarantee, should the employer not be in a position to make payment
  • Liabilities
  • Tourism Insurance
  • Trucking Insurance